JourneyMap - This mod creates a map of your world as you explore and mark points of interest.JustEnoughItems - This item and recipe viewing mod is one of the most downloaded, and helps streamline the process of browsing and using materials.If you're looking for a few mods to try out with Minecraft Forge that'll help streamline the game experience, these are a good place to start: Click this and choose which mods to use.Once the game loads, you'll see a new 'Mods' menu on the start screen.Open Minecraft and change the profile to 'forge'.Note: If you can't run the installer, check you have Java installed. Go to the downloaded file (it should be at 'C:\Users\\\AppData\Roaming\\.minecraft\mods') and open.

Make sure that you download the version of Forge that corresponds to the version of Minecraft you have (if Minecraft is 1.1, download the 1.1 version of Forge).