Students MUST submit their Turnitin assignments through Canvas if the integration is used. Note: Instructors who attempt to convert a Turnitin class created in Canvas to a Turnitin Master course will break the connection between Turnitin and Canvas. Any person with Teacher level access in a Canvas course will have instructor level access to Turnitin in that course. The integration isn’t available in Sandboxes or Master Courses. The Turnitin Integration is only available to courses listed in LionPath.

Complete Turnitin Feedback Studio Guide for Instructors.How to Incorporate Integrations (including Turnitin) in Your Canvas Course.Access Turnitin Feedback Studio in Canvas To upload a paper to the Turnitin Self-Checker, see the Student Submission directions at the Turnitin tab of the Moodle: Beyond Basics guide.Turnitin is now available for courses in Canvas. Login to Moodle to access the Turnitin Self-Checker and self-enroll into the space. You must have a current Moodle/email account to login. Please note: only current Purchase College students, staff, and faculty can access Purchase College’s Turnitin Self-Checker.

The Turnitin Self-Checker is available to all Purchase College students, faculty, and staff ( requires current Purchase College login) and is not connected to any particular course or assignment. You can use the Similarity Report generated by Turnitin to identify paraphrases or citations that need revision before your final draft is due.

The Turnitin Self-Checker allows Purchase College students to check rough drafts of papers, essays, and assignments for originality and proper citation. You must be a current Purchase College community member to access our instance of Turnitin. Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention tool that is available to all Purchase College students, staff, and faculty.