
Dewalt table saw stand lowes
Dewalt table saw stand lowes

Go to to find one of 20 factory-owned locations or one of more than 600 authorized independent repair shops.

dewalt table saw stand lowes

A Service Technician will evaluate the product and replace the bit free of charge if it failed prematurely and the wear mark is still present. Visit the DEWALT Service Center nearest you.Call 1-800-4-DEWALT (1-80) between Monday and Friday, 8am-5pm Eastern or contact Customer Service through the form at us/requests/new and DEWALT will ship you a replacement bit at no charge.

dewalt table saw stand lowes

There are 3 easy ways to get a replacement bit:

dewalt table saw stand lowes

If your drill bit fails for any reason while the anchor wear mark is still visible on the product, DEWALT will replace it free of charge. DEWALT ® SOS MAX High Impact Carbide and SOS Plus 2 Cutter Masonry Drill bits are covered by the manufacturer's limited lifetime warranty.

Dewalt table saw stand lowes